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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

My First TPT Product!


As I said earlier this week, I am making an effort to be more consistent with my blogging, so I'm back! ALSO as promised...this post is ALL about my very first paid TPT Product!!

I am SO excited to be able to share this with y'all. As you know I am a special education teacher, so organization is something that I am always working to improve. This year I will be starting a new position at my school, so I'll have two new content areas to worry about teaching, so I wanted to do something to keep my special ed things organized. Thus, I created my IEP Caseload Management Binder! 

This binder is packed full of user-friendly forms to keep any special education teacher organized. Something I know I needed to work on based on this past school year was becoming more organized concerning IEP meetings ( filing paperwork is my least favorite thing, but it must be done!) my FAVORITE pages in the binder are the IEP Meeting Preparation Checklist and the Eligibility Meeting Checklist. These pages are perfect for making sure you have everything you need before the meeting, and to keep you accountable for completing all follow up tasks. 

This binder also includes an IEP Snapshot form, which I LOVE. This form has made providing crucial IEP information to general education teacher so much easier. It presents the important information in a streamlined, user friendly manner. My collaborative teachers love getting snapshots rather than a 20 page IEP. 

Lastly, my binder includes a meeting notes page that I love to use during any kind of meeting. These are great for writing down important things during IEP or Eligibility meetings, but I also love using them at PLC or staff meetings. There is plenty of room for note taking, plus designated areas for to-do items, and important items to remember. This is definitely one of my favorite pages from the whole product! 

SO there you have it! A glance into my very first paid TPT product. Please head on over to my store   (here) and snag one for yourself! 

Thanks for stopping by! :)

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Monday, July 11, 2016

A Whole Year....REALLY?!

Holy Cats! 

I cannot believe it has been a year since my last about things getting crazy!

 This school year was a whirlwind. Full of lots of fun learning and exciting news for me career wise! I officially have left the Autism program at my school and will be teaching 6th grade small group Math and Science for students with Learning Disabilities! I am so excited for this new opportunity, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous.  

 I'm so happy to finally be back to my blog...hopefully more consistently this time. Stay tuned for a post within the next week focused on my VERY FIRST Teachers Pay Teachers product! I cannot wait to share this with y'all. I hope everyone is LOVING their summer break so far, I know I am!

Thanks again for stopping by, I'll be back soon!

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