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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

My Teaching Quirk

Holy cats!!
Did I get caught up in the end of the school year whirlwind or what?! I completely missed last week's post! Even though I'm STILL not out of school ( thankfully tomorrow is FINALLY the last day), I'm back for this week to share about my teaching quirk! So far I am LOVING this Weekly Summer Link Up that Miss Monica over at I Heart grade 3 is hosting!

when I first saw the list of weekly topics for the link up I have to admit that this week's topic was one that I have been a little nervous about posting. I'm not sure if it's because I'm still so new to teaching that I don't really know what my "quirk" is or, if it's because I feel like I have so many quirks that I can't pick just one? Either way, I think I have narrowed it down to just one to share about. 

My teaching quirk is something that every single college professor tried to break me of, and I have to say I definitely think it's just a north west Pennsylvania thing. When I'm addressing my whole group of students I find myself saying "you guys." I have done EVERYTHING to break myself of this habit from having my teachers assistant's tally each time I do it, to asking my evaluating administrator to listen for it during my observations! ( which of course didn't happen because I was hyper-focused on not saying it!) During my time in college when I was being observed in field placements my supervising professors would tally and dock our grades based on the number of times that we used the phrase "you guys."  Somehow, I caught myself during those times, but I still manage to sneak a few "you guys" in each day. At first my students looked at me like I had three heads when I said it because they had never heard it before. That blew my mind because it was such an everyday thing to me.  I guess it's really not a thing that's typically said here in Northern Virginia, but now it's common language in our classroom, and when I say it they don't bat an eye! 

You guys was a phrase that I grew up hearing. It's something that some of my teachers, all of my coaches, friends, and family said. It's a phrase that as a teenager and young adult I said a lot, and thanks to my Western Pennsylvania roots, I think that "you guys" is my first teaching quirk!

Thanks for stopping by, I can't wait to read about everyone's quirks!

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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Why I Started Blogging

Hi Everyone!
 I am back for my second ever blog post, and the second week of Monica over at I Heart Grade Three's Summer Link Up! 

This week we're taking it back to the reason we started blogging. I am SO new to this world, but loving it so far. I am definitely excited to read everyone's posts and see why they decided to join the online blogging community as well. I personally have a few reasons for why I decided to blog- I'll try to keep it short and sweet though!

Reason 1- The Ideas
 I first decided to "join" the blogging community mainly as a blog stalker  browser. I remember seeing someone's cute Facebook page, which coincidentally contained a link to their blog. When I looked further I found so many ideas, tips, and tricks that were SO helpful as a beginning teacher. It wasn't until recently that I discovered all of the wonderful special education blogs that are out there- those have been a life saver this past year! The endless ideas that I have found through the blogging community are wonderful- I hope to be able to share some helpful ideas and tips someday too!

Reason 2- The Sense of Community
This is something that I am starting to experience now that I have actively joined the blogging world, and it is seriously awesome! There is an entire community of teacher bloggers who are supportive and encouraging of one another both near and far. When I was simply reading blogs I always thought it was awesome to see. That sparked a desire to become a member of that community- thus Live, Learn, Love, Teach was born. 

Even though I am new both to the world of teaching, and especially to the world of blogging both hold a special place in my heart. This blogging adventure is fun and I can't wait to see how it blossoms! I hope you've enjoyed getting to know a little bit more about why I started this blog, I can't wait to read everyone else's posts! Head on over to Monica's blog to read them for yourself!

Thanks for stopping by!
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