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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

My Teaching Quirk

Holy cats!!
Did I get caught up in the end of the school year whirlwind or what?! I completely missed last week's post! Even though I'm STILL not out of school ( thankfully tomorrow is FINALLY the last day), I'm back for this week to share about my teaching quirk! So far I am LOVING this Weekly Summer Link Up that Miss Monica over at I Heart grade 3 is hosting!

when I first saw the list of weekly topics for the link up I have to admit that this week's topic was one that I have been a little nervous about posting. I'm not sure if it's because I'm still so new to teaching that I don't really know what my "quirk" is or, if it's because I feel like I have so many quirks that I can't pick just one? Either way, I think I have narrowed it down to just one to share about. 

My teaching quirk is something that every single college professor tried to break me of, and I have to say I definitely think it's just a north west Pennsylvania thing. When I'm addressing my whole group of students I find myself saying "you guys." I have done EVERYTHING to break myself of this habit from having my teachers assistant's tally each time I do it, to asking my evaluating administrator to listen for it during my observations! ( which of course didn't happen because I was hyper-focused on not saying it!) During my time in college when I was being observed in field placements my supervising professors would tally and dock our grades based on the number of times that we used the phrase "you guys."  Somehow, I caught myself during those times, but I still manage to sneak a few "you guys" in each day. At first my students looked at me like I had three heads when I said it because they had never heard it before. That blew my mind because it was such an everyday thing to me.  I guess it's really not a thing that's typically said here in Northern Virginia, but now it's common language in our classroom, and when I say it they don't bat an eye! 

You guys was a phrase that I grew up hearing. It's something that some of my teachers, all of my coaches, friends, and family said. It's a phrase that as a teenager and young adult I said a lot, and thanks to my Western Pennsylvania roots, I think that "you guys" is my first teaching quirk!

Thanks for stopping by, I can't wait to read about everyone's quirks!

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