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Friday, July 10, 2015

Where I was 5 Years Ago

Hi Everyone! I feel like I have been gone forever, but I guess going out of the country will do that to you! I can't wait to share all about the best trip of my life in next week's post. For now, I'd like to share a little bit about where I was 5 years ago as a very late addition to this week's post for the Summer Weekly Link Up hosted by Miss Monica at I Heart Grade 3!

So, five years ago would have been 2010, I was 19 years old, and had just finished my freshman year of college! Throw back to when I started college as a NURSING major! within my first semester I changed my major three times, and made the huge decision to transfer schools. Needless to say my indecisiveness got the best of me, but it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Had I not decided to change my major from nursing to Sociology, from Sociology to Elementary Ed, and finally from Elementary Ed to Special Education I wouldn't be where I am today! 

During the Summer of 2010 I remember always hoping that I would have the opportunity to move away from my home state of Pennsylvania. I have always been very curious, and loved to travel, so naturally the thought of moving to a new place was very exciting for me. Fast forward to 2013 and I was fortunate enough to receive several job offers in Northern Virginia, which is where I currently reside and am about to embark on my third year as a special education teacher! 

While I don't have a lot to look back on yet because I am just beginning my story, it's always fun to look back and see how the choices I made got me to where I am today! 

Thanks for stopping by! :)
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1 comment:

  1. Cute blog!! I am a sped teacher too :-) And good for you for being brave and adventurous and moving out of state! I wish I would've done that... to somewhere warmer than WI!!!
